About Us

SES Instruments & Pvt. Ltd. and Techno Instruments are both ISO 9001: 2008 certified company engaged in manufacturing of complete laboratory experiments measuring instruments for BS and MS laboratories of Physics , Electronics & Electrical Engineering . We are reputed for our quality products and excellent after sales support. We have been catering to the needs of over 700 institutions in India and abroad for the last 32 years. We, while orienting ourselves to the need of laboratories have been trying our best to develop and introduce progressively more advanced laboratory experiments and general-purpose measuring instruments. This website highlights some of our manufacturing activities. The technical specifications given here are meant to give an accurate statement of performance of instruments manufactured by us.

Our Team Leader

Ravi Prakash, joined Scientific Equipment & Services in 1991 after completing his M.Tech. from IIT Roorkee. Under his dynamic leadership the company turnover grew at the rate of more than 30% every year. The company presence grew in more than 30 countries worldwide and its market share in India grew to more than 70% in its line of equipment. In 2009 to address the growing needs of the company, it was changed into a Pvt. Ltd. entity with a new name SES Instruments Pvt. Ltd.. He took over as Managing Director of the company in 2010 and with his past experience the company is all set to achieve new heights in coming years.

Ravi Prakash,
Managing Director

After his M.Sc. (Physics) from Allahabad University and Ph.D. from Calcutta University, Dr. Anand Prakash joined the California, Institute of Technology, Pasedena, as a faculty member. During the period (1965-69) he worked on the crystal structures of various high pressure forms of ICE (ii to ix) by X-ray Diffraction and later by Neutron Diffraction at High Flux Beam Reactor at Brookhaven National Lab., N.Y. He also worked in the McMaster University, Canada on the crystal structure of alkaloids (1969-71). On returning, he joined the University of Roorkee, Roorkee. There he realized the need of new experiments in Physics which could bring insight into the subject and improve the quality of teaching.

The present website represents his 32 years of efforts in this direction. All the products here are designed and manufactured indigenously.

Dr. Anand Prakash,
Late Founder G.M.

Dr. Mitra obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee) in the year 1976. The area of his specialization was Control Systems. His earlier education was from IIT Kharagpur, University of Allahabad and University of Lucknow. Besides post-doctoral work at DFVLR in West Germany , he had been in the faculty of University of Technology, Baghdad and Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala. Since 1970 Dr. Mitra is with the Department of Electronics & Computer Engineering, IIT Roorkee, actively involved in teaching and research in the areas of control systems, electronics, microprocessors and electronic instrumentation.

After his retirement he is continuing in the department as an emeritus professor. Association with him for more than 42 years has helped us to develop and bring to perfection most of the experiments listed in this catalog. Besides, our diversification to the area of control system, leading to a dozen experiments, has been solely due to his continuous efforts and support.

Dr. R. Mitra,
Technical Consultant

Dr. Kailash Chandra did his M.Sc (Physics) in 1962, Ph.D in 1968 from the University of Roorkee (now IIT-Roorkee) and postdoc at Uppsala University, Sweden. His research area was Mossbauer spectroscopy where he himself developed the laboratory from scratch and brought to International level. He joined the faculty of Physics at University of Roorkee in 1967 and rose to Professor and Director in 1980 at University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) of University of Roorkee. His main interest has always been experimental Physics and Instrumentation. Towards the later part of his active service he started working in Nanosciece technology and published more than a dozen research papers.

His associations with us have proved very vital in the development of many new equipment and experiments.

Dr. Kailash Chandra,
Technical Director

Note of thanks

We at SES Instruments & Pvt. Ltd., are greatful to the staff of University of Roorkee, particularly Dr. M.K. Srivastava and Dr. K.L. Yadav, both Proffesor in Physics Department, IIT Roorkee, for their tremendous support all through these years by giving innovative suggestions and constructive criticism thereby helping in constantly adding new products and improving the existing ones.

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